New fish tank, saltwater- I have never had this before!

March 15, 2020

For over three decades I have kept aquariums. I tried to calculate of all the individual tanks over the years and came up with a rough 400 gallon number. In all of that time I have never had a saltwater fish tank! My friends Joshua and Jordan were the salt pros and I was the

How to Force SSL (HTTPS) in Laravel

March 10, 2020

Out of the box, Laravel will allow both HTTPS and HTTP requests to your website or application. Ideally all requests are served via SSL. There are several ways to accomplish this, some of which require access to server configs. I am going to show you how you can easily force SSL in your Laravel application

Add a Mailchimp email subscription form in Laravel – double opt in!

March 8, 2020

With several fantastic extension out there, integrating a Mailchimp email subscription form in Laravel has never been easier! I am going to show you an example integration that collects an email address in a simple form. We will be using the laravel-newsletter package by spatie. Assumptions You have a Laravel application already running You have a

The #1 mistake leaders make when learning to coach their team

March 6, 2020

In the early years of my career I rose through the ranks pretty rapidly. I had an uncanny ability to see the big picture and work at both a high and low level. I was good, really good. Being good meant that peers began to rely heavily on my knowledge and skills. When there were

Easily Automate Deploys to Shopify with Buddy

March 3, 2020

We previously wrote about how to deploy to Shopify with Codeship. Codeship is a great tool, however, if you are looking for a powerful build and deploy a solution that also has a simple interface then pay attention. In this article, I will show you how you can easily set up Buddy to watch a Git repository and deploy changes