How to Detect Mobile Devices Accessing a Shopify Store

January 25, 2021

how you how to detect mobile devices accessing a Shopify store. Shopify is a great platform for many ecommerce stores. Developing themes is simple with the Liquid template language, however it does have some drawbacks. Liquid templates are pre-rendered on the server and not able to respond dynamically to the device accessing the store. This means whether

Easily Automate Deploys to Shopify with Buddy

March 3, 2020

We previously wrote about how to deploy to Shopify with Codeship. Codeship is a great tool, however, if you are looking for a powerful build and deploy a solution that also has a simple interface then pay attention. In this article, I will show you how you can easily set up Buddy to watch a Git repository and deploy changes

How to Automate your Build and Deploys for Shopify with Github and Codeship

February 25, 2020

How to automate your build and deploys for Shopify with Github and Codeship Out of the box, developing themes for Shopify can be an onerous process, requiring the use of a web editor, and little ability to control changes to the code. Modern development workflows include the use of a code versioning system, such as