How to build a VPN client as a Docker container

September 8, 2022

There is not much to be found online about running a VPN inside Docker. Indeed, I do not believe many out there have thought about it, however leveraging a VPN inside of Docker unlocks a wealth of new possibilities. Here are just a few examples that come to mind, some of which I have used

How to Force SSL (HTTPS) in Laravel

March 10, 2020

Out of the box, Laravel will allow both HTTPS and HTTP requests to your website or application. Ideally all requests are served via SSL. There are several ways to accomplish this, some of which require access to server configs. I am going to show you how you can easily force SSL in your Laravel application

How to Backport WooCommerce Security Patches Using Git and Composer

August 13, 2019

We all love the idea of staying up-to-date with software, ensuring the latest features and security patches are available. From time to time though, business requirements may keep us at a specific, tested, version of software. It is not uncommon to find mission critical apps stuck in an older version due to customizations and testing