Day Four

February 5, 2009

I am so excited about today! Jeff and I studied over Galatians 3 and 4. Chapter 3 is my favorite chapter so far. It really shows off the freedom we have in Christ. Many of my non Christian friends think that Christians cannot have as much fun as non Christians because we have so many

Day Three

February 4, 2009

Jeff and I were unable to meet for our Bible study today, and though I am eager to share Galatians 3 with you all I have decided that I am going to wait until tomorrow. Jeff may have some view point that I have not thought about and I would hate for you to miss

Day Two

February 3, 2009

Today has been interesting. There is hunger, but it is small and on the bottom of the stack. What bothered me more today was drinking water. Any of you that have known me for any length of time will know that I hate water. I don’t drink it often of my own volition. Last summer

Day One

February 2, 2009

As I went through this first day of my fast I noticed a few things. The most suprising of which is how selfish I am when it comes to my body. Sure a human needs food to sustain life indefinitely, but having the restriction really showed me how much I simply give my body what

It has begun

February 1, 2009

Tonight Jeff Nicol and I got together in the NNU prayer chapel to start our fast. We picked up some bread at Albertsons to break bread and symbolically start the fast. Ironically we chose pita bread, which contains no yeast. That was not thought out at all either. In the prayer chapel we discussed what