Today was the last day of our fast. It has been a very good experience for both Jeff and I. Over the past week we both fell into the grace of God. It really was like taking a step over an edge without being able to see any footing further on. When we put our faith in God he is faithful to reward us. I do not have amazing words of insight for today, other than to encourage all of you to do a similar fast, you will learn so much about God and your relationship. It is tough, so definitely get a partner to do it along with you. Jeff has been an amazing guy to do this with because he is a solid guy who is truly seeking after the Lord as I am. This week, even though we went nowhere, has seemed like some of the best weeks I have had at camps or on mission trips. Go for it, dedicate and entire week rely wholly on God and devote it to him. You will see wonders in your life!