richiefrich of Penguin’s Lair recently brought to my attention a unique website that helps users design their very own stuffed tux. Thanks richiefrich, and thank you! Download the plans hereTUX_pattern_0.6_a4 Update (March 26, 2012): Putting a copy of the tux plans on my site just in case the other site ever goes offline. It
What is Vista really going to cost us? (Besides $$)
With Vista about ready to come out many of us, especially in the open source community, are asking how it will affect us, and what if any are the benefits. This link was passed on to me and I pass it on to you. It was a plain text file but has been spruced up
OO PHP is the shizzilage!
Ok, I have been programming in PHP for a few years now but I have never ventured into the OO(object oriented) part. While recently working on a java project I realized how much nicer it is to have an object to work with. You can give that object properties and methods and make it work
The new year is upon us (2007)
So I guess this will be the final blog entry for the year 2007. Not that I have blogged very much. I usually think of things to blog about while driving, but when I get home it has evaporated from my head. 2006 was not a bad year for me. I learned many new things
Christmas 2006
While I realize that there a going to be thousands of worthless blog posts about what people got for Christmas today I also am going to write one. Just for the express purpose that so many people ask me what I get. Well now I can just link ’em 😉 Here we go!: Lots of