Why NEVER to use WestHost

November 15, 2007

A couple years back I needed to move to a new web server and I had some specific criteria. First off I needed a Virtual Private Server (VPS) so I could have full control of my system. I also needed to have root access and be able to install any program I felt like. I

Server Move Coming Soon!

November 8, 2007

I will be moving my website to a new webhost shortly. I will details all the reasons for the move once complete. If this site is offline please try again shortly.

Major Site Changes

May 3, 2007

As you all know(or can set by simply looking) the CSS on this site is a little broken. Also IE centers my blog listing and summaries. Yes I am aware of it, and no I have not done anything to fix it, YET. I have been rather busy since I redid the layout of this

Running JBuilder 2005 on Ubuntu

March 6, 2007

I recently switched my laptop over to Ubuntu Edgy after a hard drive failure. When I tried to install JBuilder 2005 again I got all kinds of errors about libc.s0.6 and libpthreads.so.0 etc. I would give you the exact error, but I did not think to post about it till now and therefore did not

Your very own stuffed Tux

February 16, 2007

richiefrich of Penguin’s Lair recently brought to my attention a unique website that helps users design their very own stuffed tux. Thanks richiefrich, and thank you free-penguin.org! Download the plans hereTUX_pattern_0.6_a4 Update (March 26, 2012): Putting a copy of the tux plans on my site just in case the other site ever goes offline. It