Running JBuilder 2005 on Ubuntu

March 6, 2007

I recently switched my laptop over to Ubuntu Edgy after a hard drive failure. When I tried to install JBuilder 2005 again I got all kinds of errors about libc.s0.6 and etc. I would give you the exact error, but I did not think to post about it till now and therefore did not save the error message.

I found this on Borland’s site and sure enough it fixes it.
Go to the directory where you extracted the downloaded file and:
[bash]$ cp install.bin install.bin.orig
$ cat install.bin.orig | sed “s/export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/#xport LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/” > install.bin[/bash]
Here is a link to the issue on Borland’s site.

My apologies. It seems the link was broken. It is all fixed now 😀