Geek Level Rising

July 3, 2008

The other day I was looking at my computer books and I wondered how many of them I have now. I counted them up and there are 23! That is crazy! And that is not even all that I have had because some of them have been trashed previously.  There is a lot of time

My Top OS X Apps

March 25, 2008

I have been using OS X since Novemberish 2007 and in that time I have found the following programs to be the most useful to me. Adium – General purpose chat client. Supports multiple protocols Deep Vacuum – Internet archiver and offline browser Firefox – The worlds best web browser Fugu – SFTP client EZ

Unix File Permissions Cheat Sheet

March 24, 2008

I am always forgetting what numbers have what permissions, so I made myself a text file with the answer. I use it so much I figure I may as well share it with all of you. I hope you find it useful. These numbers will work on any Unix based operating system. This includes Linux

Server Move Complete and New Blog Online

March 11, 2008

The move from my old web server to the new one went swimmingly. You are now visiting a site proudly hosted with MediaTemple. They seem to offer great packages. Their custom control panel is pretty nice and fairly intuitive. My new blog is online now as well. Took a bit of time for me to

Tip: Compiling on multiple processors

March 11, 2008

So let’s say your computer has more than one processor in it. I bet you would like to take advantage of that capability wouldn’t you? Especially when you are compiling something like (May as well shoot yourself in the foot while you’re at it!). So here is the dealio. All you need is a