Hi All. If any of you want to send me care packages of cookies or a mac mini feel free. You can also send me card, flowers, and money 😀 My NNU mailing address is: Ben Lobaugh NNU 2055 623 Holly St. Nampa, ID 83686 I supposedly have a voicemail and phone extension somewhere as
The transition has begun!
Today is the day! The van is loaded up and the family is about to load up to drive me to NNU. I am excited and not at the same time. The feeling is hard to describe, because it is not that I am nervous or do not want to go. It feels more like
Gorgeous Hiking Photos
Went on a couple hiking trips this past weekend. Both were absolutely gorgeous. Columbia Gorge in Oregon Unfortunately my camera batteries died so I only had my phone to snap shots with. At least I got some though. Mt. Rainer Charged up my camera Saturday night for this Sunday hike. Followed the rocks along side
The End Is Near!
I am getting really excited about heading off to finish up my B.S. degree. It is getting closer! Part of that process is quitting my job. I have $days = round(((strtotime(‘2008-08-01 16:00:00’) – time()) / 86400) – 3); if($days == 0) { $days = ‘Today is the last day!’; } else if($days < 0) {