Zippey geared up for 2015 New Years Eve!

December 29, 2014

Zippey has been sitting lonely since the ill-fated trip to Blake Island where she lost her rudder. For New Years Eve Alix and I are taking another couple out to float along the front of Seattle to watch the fireworks at midnight. I did this last year and saw nothing because it got really foggy.

Ghost leak in the water system annihilated

November 30, 2014

When you live on a boat finding ways to conserve water becomes almost an obsession. I do not have the luxury of a fat pipe of water coming off the city line giving me a constant supply, instead I have a tank that sits beneath my floor (two in fact). The level has to be

Penny’s new oven!

November 23, 2014

When I bought Penny she came with an alcohol stove and with a microwave beneath. No oven at all. Thing is I have not had a microwave in any of my apartments since 2009 when I left university. Even at university I only remember the majority of my use of the microwave being to thaw

Replacing the water pressure pump

November 17, 2014

As part of the electrical overload which damaged several ship systems the water pressure pump was damaged. I found this out one day when I was in the shower. I had just finished soaping up when the water sputtered a few times and simply quit, leaving me covered head to toe in soap. Not a

Replacing the battery charger

November 16, 2014

After the electrical issue that caused a system overload I noticed there were a few ghosts in the system, one of which the house lights, which are LED and powered by the 12v system, would not always come on when switched on. Instead they would suddenly jump on after a few seconds. This happened for