As many of you know I am a big fan of multiple monitors. I currently have 4 monitors connected to my system, with the option of adding an iPad via AirDisplay. While visiting the Longbeach aquarium with some friends I saw a new attraction, a fully immerse Google Earth experience. There are five 55″ Samsung
From Wires to Wind – A wedding tribute to Alcane
*image of the stars* Alcane and I met on a fateful many years ago… *image wavers into classroom with professor lecturing* Alcane sat a few rows in front of me in a computer class. On that day we were learning how to remotely take control of other student’s computers. Already knowing the material, I figured
Treasure in my living room – My boat bookshelf
I am fascinated with boats; I own a beautiful 23′ 1977 North American Spirit 23 and a 1976 26′ Reinell Cabin Cruiser, with plans to acquire even more. However, far before I knew I had a desire to be a boat owner I wanted boat shaped bookshelves. Somewhere between the ages of 11 and 13
Today’s storage technology is amazing
I needed some additional storage for my MacBook Air so I ordered a new USB stick from and added a third of my capacity. It arrived in the mail yesterday and today I cannot keep from marveling at how drastically our storage devices have changed in a relatively few short years. I remember getting
Dramatic upswing in emails sent and received from 2009 to 2012
This evening I was looking for an email I sent several months ago and noticed the thousands of emails in my sent box. Out of curiosity I decided to make a couple charts of sent and received messages. Take a look at the results Sent Email 2009 – 2012 Email received 2009 – 2012 Keep