I remembered these crazy pics were on my computer today. Figured y’all would like it if I shared them :D. Click on the picture below to be taken to the rest f the gallery.
New Website Launch: Mitch’s Personal Life
An amazing new website was launched today. It details the life and times of Mr. Mitch. Be sure to checkout his new content! Mitch’s Personal Life
Nasty Cracked Heel
I finally setup my other computer so I could pull and tweak images from my camera and lucky you, you get to see a gross one! While at Junior High camp in 2008 my heel dried out and cracked really bad. Towards the top of this picture you will notice two longer cracks. They hurt
The End Is Near!
I am getting really excited about heading off to finish up my B.S. degree. It is getting closer! Part of that process is quitting my job. I have $days = round(((strtotime(‘2008-08-01 16:00:00’) – time()) / 86400) – 3); if($days == 0) { $days = ‘Today is the last day!’; } else if($days < 0) {
Geek Level Rising
The other day I was looking at my computer books and I wondered how many of them I have now. I counted them up and there are 23! That is crazy! And that is not even all that I have had because some of them have been trashed previously. There is a lot of time