Anyone know where I can find this boat painting?

January 14, 2016

Update: I also posted this challenge on Twitter. Allison came back quickly with the answer! The artist is Pamela Krone. Her paintings are available at This particular painting goes from $150 to $1,500   I saw this painting at a restaurant in California many months ago. I snapped a pic hoping that I could

Homemade floating bed

January 6, 2016

The bed frame that Alix and I have had since the beginning of our marriage is horrible. It makes screeching noises that can wake the dead every time you move. Imagine living in a horror house where every time your wife moved her arm you jumped out of bed expecting the zombie apocalypse attack and

2015 Year in Review

January 1, 2016

I can hardly believe 2015 is already gone! 2015 has been an amazing year, and it seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. As I relive events in my minds eye, 2015 seems to have been the best year of my life. I said the same thing in my 2014 Year in

Wedding photos – First look

September 22, 2015

Alix and I met with our wedding photographer last night. Here are a few of the 800 amazing pictures taken at our wedding. Alix will be posting photos on Facebook over the coming days as well so stay tuned!

WDSCamp 2015

September 21, 2015

Due to the distributed nature of WebDevStudios (WDS) we rarely get to see each other. To be able to spend quality face time together WDS gathers everyone together once a year at a week long gathering called WDSCamp. That happened just last week. We converged on the rental house and to my delight there was