The days are getting nicer, and longer! Alix and I took the dogs on a nice urban hike through Discovery Park. The view from the overlook is amazing! We hiked down the steep trail to the lighthouse and sat on perfectly sun warmed rocks for quite some time watching the sailboats leisurely cruise past.
Filling in the driveway
This winter has been wet! You may recall that the land I am on holds water and I very nearly have a moat around the house. Where I park has been getting more and more squishy. To the point where at least half my foot sinks into mud anytime I walk out to my car.
Living with wet land
I thought I had moved off the lake, however the land where I am currently living is very wet. It does not drain. So when it rains the land turns into a mud bog or a lake in places. Pretty soon I am going to have to use the boat under that tarp to get
2015 Email Stats
Continuing the tradition of posting a yearly count of email stats, here are the numbers from this year. These numbers reflect only the emails from my personal email account after being filtered for spam. Interestingly 2015 saw a 37% drop in received emails. Remaining unread emails at the end of the year was significantly higher
Miracle Morning 60 day challenge
A few days ago I ran across an interview with Hal Elrod, author of The Miracle Morning. Hal advocates that we can create better energy and more success in our lives by using the six S.A.V.E.R.S. for one hour every morning, when we first wake up. The S.A.V.E.R.S. are S – Silence A – Affirmations