Continuing the tradition of posting a yearly (ok I skipped 2016) count of email stats, here are the numbers from this year. These numbers reflect only the emails from my personal email account after being filtered for spam. Interestingly the sent number this year is identical to the number sent in 2015. I also have
Books I read in 2017
I love reading! When most of my peers were struggling learning to read simple words I was reading full novels, such as the Hardy Boys. By the time I was 10 years old (maybe earlier, my parents might remember) I had amassed a library that covered one entire wall of my bedroom. I noticed that as time
2017 Year in Review
For several years I have made a resolution to create an intentionally slower life with more space in it. It is a resolution I have never kept. 2017 was no exception. 2017 has been packed so full of experiences that I have coined it as the year I packed 10 years of experiences into 1
Camco EVO water filter review
Since moving onto the boat my wife had been complaining about the water taste. It seemed fine to me but I picked up a Camco EVO water filter to see if it would make her happy. It really improved the water quality! Even I noticed. The Camco EVO water filter is designed as a simple
SoFi review for personal and student loans
I am tired of living the typical American life, holding lots of debt and debt payments, and living tight between paychecks. This year I have been attacking my situation and there is light at the end of the tunnel. To better your financial situation one of the key ideas is to increase your income and/or decrease