Spring break this year was a much needed relief. I was incredibly ready for a break. School just really isn’t my cup of tea when I do not feel like I am learning anything and it makes me just want to get away. Anywho, I had fun over break. My father picked up my grandfathers
Nampa First Church Video and Pictures
Below are some videos and pictures taken of the Nampa First Nazarene youth group at church functions, and 2009 District Main Event Volleyball Volleyball Volleyball Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer Soccer JH Games And here are a couple other random videos Swamp Creature Sister’s cat playing in the bathtub
March 2009 Portfolio
This past month has been pretty dismal for investors. Even my portfolio, which has been strong during down times, took a plunge this month. It seems from watching myself, as well as reading lots of industry news, that the cause for such a significant drop stems from Obama’s counter-economic actions. It seems almost everytime he
Day Seven: The End
Today was the last day of our fast. It has been a very good experience for both Jeff and I. Over the past week we both fell into the grace of God. It really was like taking a step over an edge without being able to see any footing further on. When we put our
Day Six
Almost there! Less than 24 hours and I will be having some delicious bread! Since Jeff has researched all this and tried it before I am trusting him to know how to break this fast in the least painful way. Me, I’d go for a big juicy steak, but that probably wouldn’t do me much