This is it! The last set of legs for the 200 mile Ragnar Northwest Passage Relay Race!!! My leg is by far the most challenging of the entire race. There are two epic hills of titanic height. I actually just completed my leg and am too excited to wait to post until the end. 8.1
Second set of Ragnar legs complete
I am laying on the floor of a school gymnasium in Oak Harbor, surrounded by hundreds of other runners. This is one of two schools available to shower and rest in. My van has completed its second set of legs and we have a couple hours to ourselves now. Conveniently at night :). I am
First set of Ragnar legs complete
We pull into a highschool in Burlington and the six of us tumble out of the van onto the grass, exhausted and ready to pass out. I am feeling pretty great. The bottom of my calves are a bit sore but otherwise my body feels great! I did have a bit of a sun headache
Today I am running my first Ragnar!
My phone alarm goes off at 2:30 am and I roll over and stare at my phone in bewilderment. Who set an alarm for this awful hour? As the fog clears I remember, today is the Ragnar! Excitement builds as I quickly bounce out of bed ( after hitting snooze 4 times! ) and hop
Fetch Fitness on King 5 New Day
This morning I joined Rich Thompson, Owner and Lead Trainer at Fetch Fitness on the King 5 New Day show. Thanks to Zoot for outfitting us with some great new fitness outfits for the show! Fetch Fitness slogan is “K9 friendly fitness for humans”, but they go far beyond just working out with your furry