Securely Connecting to the WikiMedia Subversion Server from Windows

January 11, 2012

The WikiMedia Foundation (WMF) provides public access to the MediaWiki code base via a Subversion code revisioning system. For the majority of users who just want to be on the bleeding edge of MediaWiki simply pulling from this public server will suffice, however this only allows users read access to the repository. If you want

My WordCamp Victoria 2012 Presentation: The Proof is in the Pudding – Yep it works with Microsoft

January 8, 2012

Microsoft has been making a great effort over the years to embrace Open Source technologies and bring further support for Open Source projects to its platform. I was recruited last year by Microsoft to help further the interoperability cause and work heavily with PHP on Microsoft platforms. The platforms and tools of today have reached

Introducing the Meetup API client for PHP

January 2, 2012

I am working on a pretty major project right now and one of the requirements is the ability to interact with the Meetup API. I looked around and found one existing Meetup client in PHP, however it is horribly architected and as I started using it thinking I could improve it I decided it would

Beautiful sunset on Puget Sound

December 22, 2011

From the boat in Bremerton, WA

Hello Gorgeous Pulled off the rock – Port Townsend Fall 2011

December 1, 2011

If you have followed the plight of my friend Jody’s beautiful sailboat, Hello Gorgeous you may remember she broke loose on anchor during a storm a while back. This video was recently uploaded to YouTube that shows her miraculous recovery. Somehow after pounding all night Hello Gorgeous was able to float and made her way