Exploring Friday Harbor. San Juan Sailing Trip – August 17, 2018

August 18, 2018

I have not been to Friday Harbor, Alix has not been for some time. We spent today roaming through this quaint little town exploring what it has to offer us mainlanders. I am becoming more convinced that we need to live somewhere in the islands. First stop was the Whale Museum. It was spendy to

Heading to Friday Harbor! San Juan Sailing Trip – August 16, 2018

August 16, 2018

This morning was off to a foggy start. Really foggy, in fact we could not see across to the other side of the marina! I was up at 0700, our departure was timed for 0930. That did not happen! Instead I spent the time scrubbing the deck, covered in poo from the hundreds of seagulls

San Juan Sailing Trip – August 14, 2018

August 15, 2018

This is the first day of our sailing adventure! Alix and I hopped out of bed at 0600 and did some final prep work, like securing the dinghy to the boat, filling the water tank, and making coffee. With smoke from the forest fires covering the Puget Sound basin, visibility was low. We could barely

San Juan Sailing Trip – August 15, 2018

August 15, 2018

Today we stayed put in Point Hudson and explored the town of Port Townsend. Alix had not been here before so we spent the entire day walking around town. The weather had cooled off, which made it pleasurable to be out and about. Unfortunately the smokey haze lingered. In the morning we could not see

Find total number of post records on a WordPress Multisite in MySQL

August 3, 2018

I was recently asked for the total number of posts on a WordPress website. Normally as simple as looking at the number in the dashboard, however in this instance the WordPress install was a Multisite with nearly 100 sites. That would have taken far too long to do manually, but what about having MySQL do