The fundraising drive is complete. Thank you for helping WedDevStudios raise $3,300 dollars!!! On December 5th WebDevStudios announced a holiday fundraising drive that will benefit kids in Uganda. This is a cause I am particularly passionate about and am asking you to join my team at WebDevStudios where your simple financial donation this season can
October 2014 Uganda trip in review
As I am sitting here on the long long airplane ride home my thoughts are going back to some of the amazing moments during the trip. The team left on September 27, 2014 and I will be back on the ground coherently in Seattle on October 14, 2014. In all there were 14 days “boots
Additional items supplied to Destiny
In addition to setting up and running a medical clinic that processed nearly a thousand people the funds you helped provide for this trip also allowed us to purchase the following items for Destiny: More cows – in March we purchased 7 cows. They are doing well and this trip we were able to supply
Huts in Uganda
You hear about people coming to Africa to build houses, but at least in Uganda the house situation is pretty well covered. When you get further out, like we are now, then you may start to see some huts. The huts are actually pretty nice though. They first build a round brick structure and then
Seeing Destiny sponsored kids lives changed
Today while most of the team was visiting classrooms handing out supplies your support helped purchase I had the priviledge of visiting the baby house at Destiny ophanage. The term “baby house” is a bit of a misnomer. Here the babies are from newborns to what we consider toddlers. We wanted to get pictures of