WebDevStudios is helping kids in Uganda have a brighter future

December 8, 2014

The fundraising drive is complete. Thank you for helping WedDevStudios raise $3,300 dollars!!!

On December 5th WebDevStudios announced a holiday fundraising drive that will benefit kids in Uganda. This is a cause I am particularly passionate about and am asking you to join my team at WebDevStudios where your simple financial donation this season can radically alter the life of a student in Uganda for the better.

100% of all funds raised go straight to Freedom Projectz, an organization which I actively participate in. I became involved in Freedom Projectz early this year and have seen first hand the amazing impact your donations have on the ground in Uganda. Students who would otherwise be living on the street (I am not talking figuratively either, literally on the streets) are being given a dry warm place to live, clothing, 3 meals a day, schooling, and vocational training.


This is Stella, one of several girls I and my family sponsor. Stella graduated from the Destiny orphanage boarding school last year and is currently pursuing a degree at university. Stella wants to build a business that will give back to the community by providing computer jobs and training. Without my support Stella would not be able to reach her ambitious goals.

little_dudeThis little guy is new to Destiny and my grandparents instantly fell in love with him. They have committed to supporting his journey. He has a bright future now and I am sure the entirety of Uganda will be improved through the contributions he will be able to make back to society.

Would you help me and WebDevStudios provide a bright future for even more kids? Together we can eliminate need and poverty by partnering with Freedom Projectz with an easy financial contribution. Simply click the Give Now button above or visit the fundraising page and your donation will be used to provide a huge impact in a kids life.
