Seeing Destiny sponsored kids lives changed

October 7, 2014


Today while most of the team was visiting classrooms handing out supplies your support helped purchase I had the priviledge of visiting the baby house at Destiny ophanage.

The term “baby house” is a bit of a misnomer. Here the babies are from newborns to what we consider toddlers.

We wanted to get pictures of each of the sponsored kids to update the sponsors and also to deliver gifts sponsors sent with us for their kids.

Because my family sponsors three of the little ones I was able to go along and see them. I also held babies for photographs for their sponsors.

Sponsoring a child has a dramatic impact on their life. Looking across the room full of babies it was obvious who had sponsors simply by looking at their clothing. Children with sponsors were fully clothed while children without sponsors were typically running around missing clothing and shoes. Usually these kids would be wearing only a shirt, no undergarments, pants, or shoes at all.

Sponsoring children changes the kids entire future! And even the future of their children and their children’s children.

Here are the children my family sponsors.





