You Can Only Affect What You Can Impact

May 22, 2024

I am an avid Star Trek fan and delight in the practical life lessons that can be learned from the shows. Lately, I have been thinking about the power we allow things we cannot control to have over our lives. I am thinking particularly about a politically charged media article that overwhelmed several people I

People Need Validation & Hope, Not Toxic Positivity

May 22, 2024

When I am going through a tough time it drives me crazy when people say things like, “You’ll get through it,” and “Try to find the positive.” I believe they mean well but it does not help me. I want to know I am ok, I want to know there is a way out. Having

Little Things Matter

May 22, 2024

People value feeling valued. A quick note written to a team member to acknowledge their contribution can go a long way. This can be especially powerful after a big win or during a tough project.  It can be easy to overlook this, because after all, that is why they are being paid right? Even so,

Make it Personal

May 22, 2024

It is not enough to simply assist your employees with work issue. Great leaders As leaders, we are focused on building high performance teams that kick butt and take names, but great leaders know they must go further. Great leaders get to know their people on a personal level, and even go so far as

Get anything done with a strong “why”

May 22, 2024

I am on the board of a local non-profit; recently the board met to discuss a sensitive topic. A topic that had been danced around for years. Whenever it had been brought up strong emotional outburst accompanied it and the issue was kicked down the road for the next years board to figure out. The