Little Things Matter

May 22, 2024

People value feeling valued. A quick note written to a team member to acknowledge their contribution can go a long way. This can be especially powerful after a big win or during a tough project.  It can be easy to overlook this, because after all, that is why they are being paid right? Even so,

Make it Personal

May 22, 2024

It is not enough to simply assist your employees with work issue. Great leaders As leaders, we are focused on building high performance teams that kick butt and take names, but great leaders know they must go further. Great leaders get to know their people on a personal level, and even go so far as

Leaders Let the Ideas Flow

May 22, 2024

Never shoot down an idea from your team! An idea may not make sense to you, but your team has boots on the ground. They are daily in the trenches. They see things you do not. The idea may not make sense at first but there is always a reason someone suggests a change. Instead