Jetpack projects day

November 4, 2013

Often from the outside looking in it seems as if Automatticians are always having fun. Granted working for Automattic is a lot of fun and I often am amazed that I get paid do do exactly what I love, but we do actually work. And we get stuff done! I started off the morning with

Jetpack is going to San Juan!

November 3, 2013

Another day, another flight. Since I joined Automattic not a month has gone by that has not seen me on a plane somewhere. This time the Jetpack team is getting together for a week of fun and hacking in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I have dubbed this sort of trip a workation, part work part

Photos from 2013 WordCamp Vancouver

August 29, 2013

WordCamp Vancouver this year was fantastic. Mega props to the organizers! Here are some photos that I took at the event.

2013 WordCamp Vancouver: Taking flight with Jetpack development

August 17, 2013

I am happy to be presenting at 2013 WordCamp Vancouver! My session is on developing with Jetpack. Here is the blurb: Jetpacks are fun, and scary! In this session I will show you some common techniques to fine tune your Jetpack as a developer, as well as get your input on how to make a

Creating a synchronized Github fork of a Subversion plugin repository

August 5, 2013

Big Notice! If you are looking to sync only in one direction this tutorial is the one for you. After weeks of hitting my head on the wall due to constant conflicts I found out that the way git and svn store histories is very different and two way sync with this method simply does