WordPress: Add action links to plugin listing

February 16, 2013

Have you ever seen a WordPress plugin with action links in the plugins list and wondered how it was accomplished? It is actually quite simple to do. WordPress has a hook for that. Deep within the bowels of WordPress you will find a filter named plugin_action_links. This filter accepts an array containing a list of

Recap of 2013 WordCamp Victoria

January 12, 2013

I love the WordPress community and I particularly look forward to attending various WordCamps because it is like a fun family reunion. The WordPress community is spread out all over the globe, but at WordCamps people come from all around to meet together, network and share knowledge about WordPress. WordCamp Victoria was no exception to

Notes from the “Expert Panel” at 2013 WordCamp Victoria

January 12, 2013

Morten recorded audio from the panel Your browser does not support the audio tag. The mp3 can be downloaded at https://ben.lobaugh.net/blog/49291/notes-from-the-expert-panel-at-2013-wordcamp-victoria/2013-wordcamp-victoria-expert-panel-qa I will post the video as soon as I receive it WordPress at scale http://scalingwp.wordpress.com/ http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/hyperdb/ Look at nginx for speed Memcache is a great caching solution Assigning users to all sites in a

Develop for Windows Phone 8 with Cordova ( PhoneGap )

December 28, 2012

Do you develop websites and want to develop phone apps? Do you develop phone apps and are looking for an easy way to make them cross platform? Cordova ( formerly PhoneGap ) is a cross platform app that lets you reuse your HTML, CSS, and Javascript skills to create applications. With the recent release of

WordPress: How to find the post type of the current page in wp-admin

December 19, 2012

Finding the post type of a current page in the WordPress wp-admin area can be a pain in the butt, particularly if you need to check from the edit page. After a while of pounding my head on the keyboard I finally stumbled across the correct WordPress hook. If you are attempting to do this