Notes from the “Expert Panel” at 2013 WordCamp Victoria

January 12, 2013

Morten recorded audio from the panel

The mp3 can be downloaded at

I will post the video as soon as I receive it

WordPress at scale

Assigning users to all sites in a Multisite





How to add markup around images

How to setup a testing and production site on same server

  • Should be able to run the test site anywhere and update the site URLs in the database when moving to production
  • Make sure you stay away from hardcoded URLs, use WordPress functions such as site_url()

SoundCloud on WordPress

  • Build in to WordPress now
  • Simply paste in the URL in a page or post and it will automagically embed the audio file

How to ward off bot attacks

  • Server level configs. I.E: .htaccess
  • Jeff Star publishes a list of known bad bots

Migrating Joomla to WordPress

  • There are tools available online that will create an import or export
  • Do your import in segments instead of all at once to prevent errors
  • Modules from Joomla database entries will not be copied over
  • The usual “correct way” is to do it manually 🙁

Is it possible to configure breadcrumbs based on a matrix search

  • No out of the box solution
  • It is possible to track via cookies but you will need a developer to customize it for you
  • Another possibility is to pass a query variable in the URL to track where you came from. Then in the theme you can look at the query variable to build the breadcrumb

Flash alternative recommendation

  • “HTML5” – Morten
  • There are great sliders available that will create slideshows for you with Javascript and HTML5, I.E. FlexSlider and AnythingSlider

Integrating WP with Enterprise systems

Best way to find a developer

  • Hire Grant from freshmuse
  • Attend WordPress Meetups and network
  • Code Poet has a list of contractors
  • Interview developers as if they are going to work in your office because it will be at least a 3 month contract and you need to get to know them
  • Formulate exactly what you need for the project to present to potential developers to ensure they have the talent

How to add sound to a page

  • “Don’t to it” – Morten
  • Press75 has lots of music themes

WordPress training

  • Do not send to school as schools are generally using outdated materials
  • It is better to specialize in one or two areas rather than attempting to do all of the facets of website creation, use, etc
  • Designers should learn front end coding: HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Services:, Code School, Code Academy, Think Vitamin

Resources for WordPress and PhoneGap

How to make mobile scrolling feel more native

  • Avoid too much js in mobile sites


Stop complaining about I.E. it is not the problem anymore – Morten