Cleanup and remove all merged local and remote git branches

April 1, 2015

After working on a project for a while you wind up with lots of feature and hotfix branches. If you are working on a team with a remote cannonical project repo there will likely be dozens or hundreds of stale branches that need pruning. Here are a few quick commands that will help you clean

Recursively count all files in a directory from the terminal

March 12, 2015

If you utilize the terminal on a regular daily basis like I do you are bound to run into times when you need to get a count of how many files exist in a directory structure. Here is some code that will display that count for you. find . -type f | wc -l The

How to get your Archlinux back on Digital Ocean

January 27, 2015

I love love love DigitalOcean! Spinning up and down boxes to play is fun and the price is awesome! I am even working on moving this site (and all the other sites I host) over to a DigitalOcean box managed by DigitalOcean (DO) allows you to choose from a list of Linux distributions when

Responding to Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins

April 28, 2014

This is a video from the April 2014 Seattle WordPress Developer Meetup where I spoke on Responding to Critical Vulnerabilities in WordPress Plugins. Slides are available at

Find your most commonly used Linux commands

April 25, 2014

Was looking through some old documents ( From 2007! ) and I ran across a neat command that I had forgotten about. This command searches through your bash shell history for the most commonly used commands and prints them out in order with the count next to it. history | cut -b8- | sort |