Quick and easy way to show the current Git branch on your command prompt

January 14, 2014

If you work with lots of branches in Git it is nice to be able to see at a glance which branch you are on instead of typing git branch each time. Here are 4 quick lines you can add to your bash prompt that will show the current branch. You will need to edit

Add or Update your vSphere or ESXi license key through the terminal

December 4, 2013

If you are like me and you forgot to input your vSphere or ESXi license key before it expired not to fear! It is possible to update the license key through the terminal. The license is stored in a plain text file at /etc/vmware/vmware.lic. To edit it from the terminal type in: vi /etc/vmware/vmware.lic Erase

Syncing Alfred App preferences between machines

October 14, 2013

I am setting up a new Macbook Air and have been rocking Alfred App on the original machine. I have a pretty good configuration going and do not feel like redoing it. Turns out it is pretty easy to pull everything needed to the new machine. Simply copy the folder at <pre>~/Library/Application  Support/Alfred 2</pre> to

How to disable auto correct on Skype

July 4, 2013

Feb 2016 Update: A commenter alerted me that the following method may no longer work properly. Skype has been making a lot of software updates that could have altered the proper instructions.   The newer versions of Skype ( as of this post) have an auto correct feature, which while great in theory sucks in

How to retrieve a usable date format from the Telligent REST API

April 23, 2013

Telligent’s Community Server has a REST API that allows developers to tap into almost every aspect of the database. While creating an importer for WordPress I was attempting to backfill posts with the correct publish date. Telligent provides the publish date through a field called PublishedDate, however in its default format the date is not