Fix iCal alarms that are one hour off

October 1, 2008

I have been having a strange issue lately. My iCal event alarms all go off one hour late. Through doing a bit of research I found that my iPhone, which I sync to my iCal, was set to a different timezone, a timezone one hour behind me. That explains why the events on my iCal

My Top OS X Apps

March 25, 2008

I have been using OS X since Novemberish 2007 and in that time I have found the following programs to be the most useful to me. Adium – General purpose chat client. Supports multiple protocols Deep Vacuum – Internet archiver and offline browser Firefox – The worlds best web browser Fugu – SFTP client EZ

Unix File Permissions Cheat Sheet

March 24, 2008

I am always forgetting what numbers have what permissions, so I made myself a text file with the answer. I use it so much I figure I may as well share it with all of you. I hope you find it useful. These numbers will work on any Unix based operating system. This includes Linux

Why NEVER to use WestHost

November 15, 2007

A couple years back I needed to move to a new web server and I had some specific criteria. First off I needed a Virtual Private Server (VPS) so I could have full control of my system. I also needed to have root access and be able to install any program I felt like. I