ZDD: Lucky sailing this summer

October 18, 2011

As many of you know, I have been out sailing every day this summer. This week I am I Port Townsend to have ZDD hauled out and painted. The previous owner told me the centerboard was down, which I had to believe because the cable to raise it was broken. Well he told the truth,

ZDD: Pre-Halloween Lights

October 1, 2011

Getting some pre-Halloween lights setup on my sailboat Zippety Doh Dah. Hoping to add some outlines of the cabin in orange, haul a lighted plastic candle up the mast, and find a light up ghost to man the tiller. I will post more pictures when I get more setup

ZDD: Time for a new headsail setup

August 15, 2011

I am having tons of fun with my new toy zzZippety Doh Dah, however after piloting Neptune’s Car for a few hours the race bug has bitten me. There is nothing like screaming along the water with the wind trying to rip your hair off and the sails straining to get away from the rigging!

New Toy: North American Spirit 23 – zzZippety Doo Dah

July 27, 2011

This post is well overdue, by a couple of months actually…sorry. A few years back I became interested in sailboats when a friend began looking for one, and my aunt began telling me stories of her time living aboard a sailboat. I started doing some research of my own and after several months I came