A young leader, let’s call him Charles, recently approached me, struggling with his boss. Charles is a bright and promising individual who constantly seeks to improve himself within the company. He’s a team player and a strong advocate for his people. However, he worked under a leader whose inconsistent behavior made his job increasingly challenging.
Building a Device-Agnostic Web Development Setup 2025 Edition: My Journey with an iPad
Over the past decade, I’ve written about my unconventional journey as a developer using an iPad for web development. To me, being device-agnostic is the ultimate freedom — working from anywhere, on any device. I’ve even debugged critical issues from my phone, riding a bus in Seattle — before mobile tools had evolved to what
How to get started with your own uptime monitor with Docker, in minutes
I received a stressed text message, “Tomorrow will be our biggest sales day EVER! I sure hope the web servers are ready for it!” This may be an all too familiar message for many of you who work on the web or maintain server infrastructure. In this article I am going to show you how
4 Quick Tips to be a Better Remote Manager
Recent events have forced a lot of businesses and teams to work from home, many for the very first time. If you are leading one of these teams and you have never worked remotely before, you are probably realizing you’re going to need to make some adjustments, most importantly to your communication. Clear Communication Hopefully,
How to Clean Up GitLab Artifacts
If you are running into GitLab storage quota limits there is a high likelihood that the usage is coming from job artifacts. These artifacts contain information about the job itself, such as the files an application built, code scan results, etc. In my experience, there is usually no need to keep the old job runs