Leadership Is Grace

May 22, 2024

We all have them, that friend who is perpetually late. Are you envisioning that person in your head right now? I’ve been rather busy lately and was feeling burned out, so I was very much looking forward to getting away this weekend on my sailboat. A dear friend whom I’ve known most of my life

Leaders create organizational loyalty

May 22, 2024

Fellow coach Travis Hickman and I were discussing issues leaders face and the notion of loyalty came up, or rather nurturing of improper loyalty. When this happens the leader builds a team of people who are very loyal to him or her instead of the organization. There is a hidden danger here of creating a faction inside

Leadership Is: Creating Relationships

May 22, 2024

High-performance leaders know that the key to getting great results from your team comes not from direction but from a relationship. Building quality relationships with your team will result in stronger, more cohesive teams. Teams that seem to have the Midas touch, conquering everything in their path. On the other hand, there are leaders who

Show People How Much You Care

May 22, 2024

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – President Theodore Roosevelt. President Theodore Roosevelt is attributed with an oft-repeated quote, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” This is true in any job, and industry, any organization, any family. There are

7 Steps to Starting Your Day Well

May 22, 2024

Previously I wrote that the first hour is the rudder of your day, and indeed, many books have been written on the subject over the past few years. Most notably, Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. Common amongst the books, authors recommend creating a morning routine that gets you motivated to tackle the day. Many of us are haphazard