In the past few years I have worked on many projects that involved implementing a testing infrastructure, I have spoken at conferences on the important of and theories of testing, and I have led workshops training beginners in testing. In all that time I have looked for a good concise and easy to read resource
Financing Real Estate Investments for Dummies by Ralph R. Roberts and Chip Cummings
ISBN: 978-0-470-42233-5 Synopsis Your practical guide to scoring cash to fuel your real estate investments Want to be a smart, successful real estate investor? This no-nonsense guide contains everything you must know to make the right choices about financing your investments — from the various options available and the impact on cash flow to the
The ABC’s of Writing Winning Business Plans by Garret Sutton, Esq.
Tagline How to prepare a business plan that others will want to read and invest in ISBN: 0-446-69415-0 Synopsis Learn how to prepare and utilize the most important document for any organizationthe business plan. Whether one is just starting out or is already in business and needs to refocus efforts, this practical guide will clearly
Property Management Accounting by Marc Levetin & Michael Monteiro
A Survival Guide for Non-accountants ISBN: 978-1-4392-4161-5 Synopsis In this day and age, we’re lucky to have software that takes care of the nuts and bolts of property management accounting. But even with software, you’ll find it much easier to keep accurate records if you have an understanding of the basic accounting concepts upon which
Floating by Hugo Leckey
ISBN: 0-393-03272-8 Synopsis Hugo Leckey recounts his time living aboard his sailboat Review Hugo Leckey has a non-traditional but compelling writing style. Leckey does not stick on one linear thought track but rather allows new ideas to pop into the text as they reveal themselves pertaining to the current thought. He never strays far enough