Floating by Hugo Leckey

March 21, 2011

ISBN: 0-393-03272-8


Hugo Leckey recounts his time living aboard his sailboat


Hugo Leckey has a non-traditional but compelling writing style. Leckey does not stick on one linear thought track but rather allows new ideas to pop into the text as they reveal themselves pertaining to the current thought. He never strays far enough off topic to alienate the reader and the text seems to flow just like a real, and intriguing, conversation. While I do not fully concur with all Leckey says in the book he does bring a great amount of knowledge and experience which he presents in a fun and entertaining manner. I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in living aboard any sort of boat, especially a sailboat and to anyone simply interested in a good read about life on the sea.


I was not paid, asked, or provided any incentive to publish this review