I ran across a picture of John Wesley’s grandfather on the Wesley Center website today. He bears a striking resemblance to Diane Leclerc, a religion professor at NNU. Is Diane the almighty John Wesley’s grandfather come back to haunt us? You decide.
2010 Photoshoot with my Bus
A friend needed a subject for a photoshoot and asked me if she could use me and my 1965 VW Bus. Of course I love pics of my Bus so I readily agreed. Here are some of the results. Click a pic to view the gallery
What is an Extranet?
Intrigued by why my Systems Analysis and Design professor consistently uses the word ‘extranet’ in a form in which I am unfamiliar I have embarked on a quest for realization. It is my extreme hope that in my quest and answer will reveal itself in a form with which I may enhance and compliment my
C++: Virtual Token Ring Network
My networking professor handed out a group project to build a virtual token ring network and I thought I would share my findings here. Before you say anything, I know it is not a true token ring network, but it sorta acts like one which was more the goal of the project. My group partner
Back in Nampa for the 2009-2010 school year
I had a great summer, but unfortunately it is once again time to get back to Nampa for school :(. Road tripped it back with Jordan in my 1965 VW Bus. It was a good trip over all. We started around 3.30 PM and the air was hot! We sweated along for a few hundred