2012 Christmas gift highlights

December 25, 2012

Though Christmas is not about, and never will be about presents,  it seems my family went a little overboard this year. I opened presents for a half hour! Normally I receive maybe three things, but this year I had a dozen or so. I had a great time hanging out with my family, and here

New Toy ( Finally ): 26′ 1976 Reinell Cabin Cruiser

December 22, 2012

I ( finally ) picked up my new toy today. When I say new it really means that it has been mine for a year and today is the first time I was able to retrieve it from the boatyard. Back story: My uncle Jimmy retired several years ago and as a retirement project he

Month of blogging challenge in review

November 5, 2012

If you have been following my blog you know that during the month of October I setup a daily blogging challenge with Jaffe. The goal was to write a new article on my blog every day. I was really excited about it! I setup a whole editorial calendar of things I would like to blog

Obsessing about building boats

October 10, 2012

As any of you with personal contact with me may have noticed, I have been a bit preoccupied with the idea of building my own boats. Obsessed may be a more apt term. Since I purchased my sailboat in May of 2011 there has been a growing hunger in me which I have term the

Where does dryer lint come from?

October 9, 2012

  As I was yet again emptying the lint from my dryer lint trap I started wondering what the lint is and were does it come from? Every load that I wash turns out a good amount of lint. When they go into the dryer the clothes have already been cleaned so I did not