WordPress: Convert between currencies

July 20, 2012

If you have ever built a project dealing with money and multiple countries you have probably encountered the need to convert between currencies. There are a lot of examples on how to convert currencies using the Google currency calculator in PHP, however they almost all use CURL to accomplish the task. WordPress has an HTTP

WordPress: Copy taxonomies from one post to another

July 18, 2012

Here is the issue at hand, I have a post with several taxonomies associated with it that may or may not change. I need to dynamically create new posts from said existing post with all the included taxonomies. Copying a post is as easy as getting the existing post from the database and calling wp_insert_post()

WordPress: How to fix the URL displaying on the wp-login page

July 15, 2012

After a recent update of WordPress I noticed on several of my sites that the blog URL was showing in the upper left corner of the page. A quick peek at the generated HTML source code showed me that the URL was being printed just before the closing head tag, all by its lonesome. This

WordPress: Customizing sort order for custom post types

July 12, 2012

By default in WordPress a custom post type is sorted by it’s published date when viewing the page listing the posts. Depending upon your requirements this may not be desirable. WordPress includes a hook called parse_query that allows us to hook into the query arguments that are sent when retrieving data for the page. It

WordPress: Restore your Publish box location with the Intuitive Category Checklist plugin

July 9, 2012

The Intuitive Category Checklist plugin for WordPress is great when you have a lot items in a hierarchical taxonomy box, such as the categories box. The plugin will allow you to expand and collapse a parent with sub-categories. The problem arises with how the plugin handles the boxes containing the taxonomies. First it removes the