WordPress: Replace Built-in User Authentication

February 27, 2012

Synopsis WordPress is a powerful multi-user web content management system. Due to its multi-user nature, WordPress has long instituted a full fledged user system, complete with separated roles and permissions for each user. What happens, however, when WordPress is brought into an environment with an existing user repository? Out of the box WordPress has no

PHP: Strip number from string

February 11, 2012

I recently ran across a situation where a string being used as a key contained numeric characters. The requirements specified stated that the new data structure keys do not contain numbers. This is a very simple problem to solve and can be done with a simple PHP str_replace. The following function is what I came

MySQL: Count number of columns in a table

February 6, 2012

Counting the number of columns, or fields, in a MySQL table is a fairly simple, though not exactly obvious task. You will need to know both the name of the table to query on, as well as the database. The query is as follows, plug in your values for database_name and table_name SELECT COUNT(*) FROM

Scroll Irssi in a Screen terminal from OSX

February 1, 2012

This week I started using my Macbook again (actually picked up an Air too!) and I ran into my old scroll back issue. I use Irssi as my IRC client. In order to avoid losing conversations I run it inside a Screen session on a remote Linux server. In OSX, while using Terminal, I was

Securely Connecting to the WikiMedia Subversion Server from Windows

January 11, 2012

The WikiMedia Foundation (WMF) provides public access to the MediaWiki code base via a Subversion code revisioning system. For the majority of users who just want to be on the bleeding edge of MediaWiki simply pulling from this public server will suffice, however this only allows users read access to the repository. If you want