I am speaking at the 2012 Orange County WordCamp!

May 31, 2012

I have the distinct pleasure of speaking at the 2012 Orange County WordCamp conference. This conference is a two day event where WordPress users, bloggers, and professionals come together for a great time of networking and educational sessions. I have been invited to speak on WordPress’ built-in task scheduler, WP-Cron. A brief session description is

WordPress: How to migrate from local development to Windows Azure

May 29, 2012

I have been receiving several requests each week for information on migrating WordPress from an existing (usually a local development copy) installation to Windows Azure, so I decided to write up a quick post on how to accomplish this just for you! 🙂 The power of the scaffold The Microsoft Open Source Technologies Inc. (A

WordPress: How to remove “Protected:” and “Private:” from post titles

May 23, 2012

By default, when creating a private or password protected post in WordPress the string “Private:” or “Protected:” is prepended to the post title on display (Never in the database, only when displaying). This can sometimes be annoying, however WordPress’ filters quickly come to the rescue here. There are two filters that add the text and

Developing for Windows Azure in WordPress

March 26, 2012

Windows Azure is a very powerful and capable cloud hosting platform. Whether you are looking for highly scalable hosting, huge cloud storage, unshakable SQL Server, or massive CDN and caching, Windows Azure may have an answer for you. Windows Azure supports many open source technologies, including PHP and therefore it also handles WordPress. Running an

WordPress: Add or remove user contact methods in user profiles

March 14, 2012

This post goes along with a presentation I gave at the February Seattle WordPress Developers Meetup. The Seattle WordPress group is pretty amazing and I highly recommend joining if you have the opportunity. Get the slides and code If you would like to view the slides used during the presentation they are available as a