I have long used the WP SlimStat plugin on my WordPress sites to track site usage. Unfortunately the plugin was rather old. Just recently though the author updated the plugin. The new version is beautiful and incorporates a ton more usability. I highly recommend installing this new plugin. WP SlimStat 2
C++ Convert int to char and get ASCII Value
If you are wanting the ASCII value for an integer simply do a typecast of the int to a char. int i = 65; cout
MySQL: Count Words in Column
I have been working on a rather large database that contains mostly textual page content. Out of curiosity I decided to see how many words are contained in the column with my content. I did not find a simple MySQL solution to finding the word count, but here is what I did come up with.
Roland V-Drums in my Room!
I found out last week the church I am currently attending had two full drum kits in the attic in addition to the set on stage. I went to take a look and what do my eyes behold but a set of Roland V-Drums. I do lots of MIDI stuff with Reason 4 and I
My Bus as a Banner on a VW Site
The Bus Pilots Association website is currently featuring an image of my 1965 VW Bus dash. Though it has been there for several months I only just recently inquired as to the owner of the Bus in question. It’s Mine! I like that. James Page is the man responsible for creating that theme and he