Typo3: Count the number of Pages, Content, and Words in your install

May 17, 2010

Ever wonder how many pages, words or tt_content element you have in your Typo3 install? I am working with two large Typo3 sites and I was curious so I wrote a little piece of code. It works really well and is super quick. Here is what the output looks like: Counting Pages SELECT COUNT(uid) AS

New Website Launch: SirGecko

May 3, 2010

The SirGecko development group has been around for years building web-enabled projects, but up until now they have not had their own website. I was asked to build them a site and problem solved. Click the image below to visit the shiny new site.

Bus Pilots: May Day 2010

May 2, 2010

This years May Day Show and Shine put on the by the Bus Pilots was fun. I have not been able to make it to any meetings or events so it was nice to catch up with the old gang and see some new faces. Last year my bus was featured on Fox News, this

PHP: Count words in a MySQL column

April 27, 2010

Last week I posted a query that will return the number of words in a column of a table in a MySQL database. I was looking through a huge database and the query took a really really long time. Today I decided to rewrite it in PHP and see if it was faster. Much Much

Bus: First Makeover

April 25, 2010

James McKay came over today to help me paint the nose of my 1965 VW Bus. There was a big primer gray patch that the Bus Pilots harassed me about and since it is almost time for our May Day show again I figured I should get it taken care of. Of course my solution