My poor Mazda 626 was forward ended (is that a saying?) a couple days ago. Lady was just sitting in the road parked. Backed right up into my car. Here is the tragic witness. Click to enlarge
2010 Photoshoot with my Bus
A friend needed a subject for a photoshoot and asked me if she could use me and my 1965 VW Bus. Of course I love pics of my Bus so I readily agreed. Here are some of the results. Click a pic to view the gallery
Portfolio Update
Guess I should do another update on my portfolio for my investment fans out there eh? Scottrade changed how their graphs look, I liked the old one better. Note when you look at this that growth has slowed because I have been unable to contribute money since January 2009. The total I have contributed so
Build a Basic Payment Form
Zac Vineyard wrote a great tutorial on building a basic payment for and connecting to their payment gateway. Zac used some of my code and was kind enough to reference me for it, and since he wrote such a clean tutorial I see no need to write my own (used my code anywho!). Check
New Website Launch: Evergreen State Dahlia Association
The Evergreen State Dahlia Association was looking for an updated look and a site that allowed them more flexibility and control. I am happy to unveil their new site. Go check it out! Evergreen State Dahlia Association