Removing those pesky .svn folders Subversion l leaves behind with find

May 27, 2010

When I am working on a project that unnecessarily has .svn folders strew about from Subversion I get a little annoyed. Luckily Linux has a solution (or is the solution!), the find command. find is a tool that can be very simple or very complex depending on how it is used. In this instance I

Second Beard Culling

May 22, 2010

After my First Beard Culling I spent a couple days with my new look. The short strap and the longer goatee. Decided I did not really like that so I shaved off the strap too. Amazing what that small change did to how I look. It does seem weird now that no fur folds up

Diane Leclerc or John Wesley’s Grandfather in Disguise?

May 21, 2010

I ran across a picture of John Wesley’s grandfather on the Wesley Center website today. He bears a striking resemblance to Diane Leclerc, a religion professor at NNU. Is Diane the almighty John Wesley’s grandfather come back to haunt us? You decide.

Read Through the Bible in a Year Calendar

May 20, 2010

Back in the 1990s I had on my website a PDF containing a calendar that will guide the reader through the entire Bible in one year. My father created it for the church we were attending at the time when they had their big reading push. I ran across it a couple days ago and

First Beard Culling

May 18, 2010

As many of you noticed I have been growing out some facial hair. I have a rather full and thick beard. The majority of people liked the beard (mother not included) and I was thinking about letting it grow till the end of summer, but the sides were touching my ears a lot and I