I was looking for a quick code example on recursively moving files with PHP and I only saw code snippets using PHP 5. I like using the new and powerful features of PHP 5 when doing file system interactions so I wrote two quick PHP 5 functions that will move or copy directories and files
How to find your Reason 5 license key with the Record 1.5 upgrade
Recently I tried to install the Record 1.5 upgrade for Reason owners. When i ran the Reason 5 installer I was asked for a license key, which I could not find in the box. As it turns out Propellerhead does not supply you with a Reason 5 license in the Record 1.5 for Reason owners
Financing Real Estate Investments for Dummies by Ralph R. Roberts and Chip Cummings
ISBN: 978-0-470-42233-5 Synopsis Your practical guide to scoring cash to fuel your real estate investments Want to be a smart, successful real estate investor? This no-nonsense guide contains everything you must know to make the right choices about financing your investments — from the various options available and the impact on cash flow to the
A quick look at the upcoming packaging tool in the Windows Azure SDK for PHP
Note: The Windows Azure SDK for PHP referenced in this post has been released and there is official documentation available at http://azurephp.interoperabilitybridges.com/articles/packaging-applications please be sure to also check there as the content in this post may become outdated. The current Windows Azure Command-line tools for PHP can be sometimes difficult and frustrating to work with.
Windows Azure PHP Documentation
I was asked to stop by the SQL Server Jumpin camp yesterday and talk to PHP developers about building and migrating applications to Windows Azure. One of the frustrations I heard was a lack of documentation around PHP on Windows Azure. The complaint was that documentation is hard to find because it is scattered around