Windows Azure PHP Documentation

June 22, 2011

I was asked to stop by the SQL Server Jumpin camp yesterday and talk to PHP developers about building and migrating applications to Windows Azure. One of the frustrations I heard was a lack of documentation around PHP on Windows Azure. The complaint was that documentation is hard to find because it is scattered around blogs all across the internet and much of it is outdated. I feel the frustrations there!

I want to let you know that the Interoperability Team at Microsoft has been working hard not only at improving PHP on Windows Azure, but also at documenting usage and providing a comprehensive, cohesive, tool set.

Be sure you take a look at the Azure PHP website as it contains a wealth of knowledge regarding everything from connecting to Windows Azure Storage to managing service deployments and is continuing to grow.

The Azure PHP site can be found at

Also keep your eyes on the Open @ Microsoft blog through which the Interoperability team regularly communicates updates and new features.

The Open @ Microsoft blog can be found at

And of course there is also the ever present Open @ Microsoft Twitter account

Microsoft is continuing to push support for PHP on Windows Azure and wants your feedback. If you have questions, ideas for new articles, or just need to gripe, you can contact the Interoperability team here