2012 WordCamp Portland Saturday Presentation Wrap-up

August 18, 2012

The incredible 2012 WordCamp Portland organizer team invited me to come down and give a presentation on WP-Cron today. As usual at any WordCamp I have spoken at, I gained much more than I gave, this is particularly true of my own session. The community interaction and Q&A portion was most insightful to me. Major kudos to all who attended, and to the fantastic team that put this conference together for us.

Matt Mullenweg put in a showing and though I have been part of the community for years I was able to meet him for the first time today. He is every bit as humble in person as he seems in his numerous talks I have watched. Meet this man if you can. He is the genius behind the WordPress community.

Matt Mullenweg in "The Throne" at 2012 WordCamp Portland

The Seattle WordPress community made a great showing today, not only in attendance, but we also provided 4 speakers! All the talks got rave reviews from the crowds. Go #wpseattle!

Thought I would share a few well curated tweets from today. Tweets I found interesting, and mostly about me 😉

Amazing Mug Swag!

Grant Landram was pointed out by Matt during his keynote speech and got an ovation by the community for his presentation

Seattle WordPress FTW!

From my session


