I submitted three session proposals for the 2012 Portland WordCamp and am happy to announce that I have been accepted as a speaker this year. My session is on WordPress’ built-in task scheduler, WP-Cron. A brief description:
Cron is a very powerful, system level, task scheduler, but how do you set up scheduled tasks if you do not have access to cron? Enter WP-Cron. WP-Cron is WordPress’ little known built-in task scheduler. In this session you will learn the anatomy of the WP-Cron system and how to create you own custom tasks. You will also learn the pros and cons of using WP-Cron vs cron, and how to hook WP-Cron into cron for a powerhouse combination.
A companion tutorial is available at: https://ben.lobaugh.net/blog/20787/wordpress-how-to-use-wp-cron
Code used during the presentation can be found on Github at: https://github.com/blobaugh/2012-WordCamp-Portland-WP-Cron
Slide can be found at https://ben.lobaugh.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/blobaugh-2012-Portland-WordCamp-WP-Cron.pdf
Additional slides and resources to follow