What I have been up to Q1 2018

March 10, 2018

People are noticing!
Noticing that I have not posted on this site in a couple months.

Yes I am still around! Kicking butt and taking names.
I have been working hard to make my 2018 Vision be, and continue to be, a reality.

How’s it going so far? Nailing It!

Lets go through the four vision statements…

Vision: Become a topnotch, well respected communicator and coach

To date I have completed/am currently doing:

Speaking Engagements 2
Masterminds 3
Coaching Coaching: 27 sessions with 6 clients for 41+ hours!

Just today in fact I spoke for Simply Beautiful Tiny Homes LLC during a Real Estate Investors Association of Washington training day on Team Building and Communication.

There is a lot more coming down the line too! For example, I currently have 528 mastermind sessions planned with clients. Some of those sessions are part of a year long daily growth session.

Vision: Let my money make me money, not me making money

This is my second most actively worked vision, after the next vision which involves my relationship with my wife.

To date I am actively working with startups (new businesses) in the following categories:

In planning phase 2
Pre-launch 1
Self-sustaining 2

Vision: Build an ever improving relationship with my wife that others coming behind can model after

This is the most exciting vision for results!

Alix and I have been growing together exponentially. The last two years have been very busy for us personally and combined. As you can see from above I have a lot going on, so does Alix. She is currently working as a NICU nurse, finishing a Masters in Nursing Education, and running her own clothing business.

At the beginning of the year we read the book How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It. In the book, the authors share the differences between men and women and how we relate to our environment and each other. It walks the reader through the physiological and phycological differences between men and women and provides clear examples on how a situation affects each sex with proven scientific research. This book has opened our eyes to truly be able to see from the other persons perspective and quickly reestablish connection. I 100% believe every dating and married couple should read this book.  If you have not read it already please please please make it top on your list to get a copy and read it. I would love to hear how it changes your life. Drop me a message on the contact form and lets chat!

Vision: Live a slow paced life

Though it may not sound like it from the above I am actually accomplishing this vision too! Sure I have a lot on my plate but it is on my schedule. I have been using Pareto’s 80/20 Rule to analyze and aggressively cut out activities that fall into the 80% category. This has resulted in a much calmer, more peaceful state of being. It has allowed me to expend more time and dedicated energy in communing with Alix and close friends, as well as dialing in the areas of my life that move me towards my goals. As a bonus, I have been able to read again. I set a goal of 80 books this year and as of this writing have finished 18!

Life is good!
I expect it only to continue getting better!